Our team consists of individuals with considerable knowledge in the fields of dairy production, nutrition and animal welfare.

If you wish to reach any member of our team, don't hesitate to send an e-mail via our Contact Us page.


Juliane Priesemeister, Executive Director

Juliane worked almost a decade for an international cooperation as an information designer. Generating compelling visual stories was her daily deed, but as much as she enjoyed the creative work the big corporation environment left her hungry for substance and impact.

When she started her yoga journey a few years ago the “do no harm” philosophy pushed her to align work with her personal ethics and values. Today she uses her omnibus skill set, including marketing communications, economics, and graphic design, to reveal the truth about the dairy industry to consumers.


Nigel Osborne, Advisor

Nigel has years of experience related to animal rights and on-line advocacy. He personally supports a variety of organizations from farm sanctuaries, animal rescue organizations and animal rights groups. Nigel's extensive background in the publishing, outdoor advertising, printing and web design industries over the last 25 years provides him with a strong, creative acumen and business management experience. Through Dairy-Truth.com, Nigel seeks to educate the public about global dairy production and expose the conditions for the hundred’s-of-millions of dairy cows and baby calves condemned to die every year. Nigel is also an advisor of our sister organization: Egg-Truth.

Alex Ventimilla, Advisor

Alex is a third-year PhD student in the Department of English and Film Studies at the University of Alberta

Passionate about ecology, he firmly believes in the impact of storytelling on shaping our perspectives. He believes that the narratives we engage with through reading, watching, and listening play a crucial role in defining our connections with both human and non-human beings. His area of research revolves around examining how varying forms of media and narratives on ecological topics influence our comprehension of our relationship with the natural world and our place within it.

Krista Hiddema, Advocacy Director

Krista spent the first 15 years of her career in human resources including as the Vice President of HR for one of the largest tech companies in the world. Krista then founded a boutique employment law firm in Toronto where she consulted to employers across Canada and the U.S. for a decade. To pursue her true passion, Krista sold her practice to lead Mercy For Animals in Canada where she led twelve undercover investigations into factory farms and slaughterhouses. Today Krista consults with animal protection organizations across North America on matters of organizational development. In addition to holding five degrees and designations in human resources, she is pursuing her doctorate focused on the employment experiences of animal rights activists.

Visit Krista's website.